Tuesday, October 7, 2014

I Love Fall Most of All

      So I stay home 5 out of the 7 days, and my style has become "comfortable". I remember right before I had Cohen in a conversation I had with my mom, I said something along the lines do you want me to wear sweats all day every day? Oh funny now, guess what 9 out of 10 times I am wearing -yoga- pants and a tee. You see I didn't realize I would have a baby hanging off my bo chest.

     I feel like Fall you can be a little "lazy" when it comes to the fashion, or am I wrong?

You'll only find me in a flannel, black pants, and boots these next few month, so be warned.

    I just order this one from J.Crew last week. A few years ago I bought the blue gingham flannel shirt and one day my sister stole it, busted one of the buttons and shrunk it, now I can't seem to find another one. I search ebay daily.

I love them to be a tad bit on the large size and shopping in the mens section gives me excellent choices, I usually hunt in the mens section at Abercrombie, but Old Navy has some great ones this year.

 I love this one{Here}

So heres to Fall

xo jess